samples » General » Sub Folder 1
This folder contains a mix of portrait and landscape images
This folder uses default settings except for the following:
- fixedFormatIndexPage = true (Thumbnails will no longer flow across the screen, but will be in a fixed table format)
- fixedFormatIndexPageStretching = true (The space between thumbnails will stretch or compress depending on the size of the browser window)
- imageNameUnderThumbnail = true (The filename of the image will be displayed directly under the thumbnail)
- imageCommentUnderThumbnail = true (The comment (if entered) will also be displayed under the thumbnail)
- numberOfMiniThumbs = 5 (Instead of 10 "mini-thumbs" on the slide pages, 5 will be diplayed)
- displayEXIF = "userselect" (Additional technical detail will not automatically appear, instead a new "i" icon in the slide frame will cause them to pop up)
- navigationTop = false (Mini-thumbs and navigation buttons have been removed from the top. They remain on the bottom part of the screen)
- commentAboveSlide = true (Comment appear above, rather than below a slide image
- imageDateUnderThumbnail = true (Date also appears under each thumbnail on index page)
- miniThumbAdjust = 50 (Mini-thumbs will appear at twice their normal size)