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Testing Procedures

The section attempts to define a standard set of tests to establish whether ExhibitPlus, and all of its various options, function correctly on a given operating system / browser combination. Details of which combinations have been tested are kept on the compatibility chart at jrepository.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with testing, you are more than welcome. Simply follow the test procedures below. To help you record your results a testing record sheet is available in PDF form or as an Excel spreadsheet.

During some of the tests graphics are available to assist you to verify whether your result looks the way it should. Simply click on the relvant graphic corresponding to the test you are performing.

Skin Logic Tests

Execute each step listed for every browser / platform combination using a single set of sample pages, in a single style. Normally the dark.css style would be used for this. Sample galleries for this test can be found at the sample page.

These tests are designed to check both the internal logic of the skin using various options, as well as how the XHTML renders in each browser.

Main page

Open graphic

Folder "General": Index

Open graphic

Folder "General": Slides

Open graphic

Folder "General": Full screen mode

Open graphic

Folder "Sub Folder 1": Index

Open graphic

Folder "Sub Folder 1": Slides

Test both a portrait and landscape image: Open graphic Open graphic

Folder "Sub Folder 1": Full screen mode

Open graphic

Folder "Sub Folder 2": Index

Open graphic

Folder "Sub Folder 2": Slides

Test both a portrait and landscape image: Open graphic Open graphic

Folder "Sub Folder 3": Index

Open graphic

Folder "Sub Folder 3": Slides

Folder "Underwater": Index

Open graphic

Folder "Underwater": Slides

Open graphic

Style Tests

Since the logic of the skin has already been tested on a single style, it is not necessary to repeat the same tests on all platforms with each style. It is necessary to briefly test each alternate style with each browser combination, but only a visual inspection is required of each element.

Go to each style listed at the sample page and perform the following:

For each and every folder navigate through a few images:

Above all, layouts should be roughly the same between all styles.

Recording Data

If you are helping to test ExhibitPlus on a previously untested platform, please use the testing record sheet available in PDF form or as an Excel spreadsheet.

valid XHTML 1.0! valid CSS!