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User reference

This section contains in-depth information about how various parts of the configuration can be altered. Please note that you may actually get more background information by consulting the user guide.

Configuration files

User variables

Configuration files

There are a number of files which allow you to supply information to ExhibitPlus and JAlbum. Sample copies of these files can be found in the directory called "Optional files to be copied to image source directory". This folder is located in the ExhibitPlus skin folder.

Some files should be copied to every folder and sub-folder in the image source directory, others are copied just to the root image source directory.



file name: meta.properties
Purpose: To specify additional information about a folder's contents
Placed in: All image folders (source)
Notes: The meta.properties file contains additional fields used to specify additional information to JAlbum. If this file is not found, or the additional fields are not specified then the skin will assume certain default behaviour depending on the fields and the settings of other user variables.
Field name: descript =
Field notes: Enter a description of the folder's contents here. This description will be used to display additional information about the folder on the index page.
Field use: Mandatory
Field name: folderIcon =
Field notes: Enter the filename of one of the images in the folder to be used as a tiny thumbnail representing the folder
Field use: Optional
Field name: folderIconDirectory =
Field notes: Enter a relative path, without a trailing / or \ to a subfolder for use with the folderIcon field. This would be useful if the folder did not contain any images, and you wanted to a use an image from a subfolder instead
Field use: Optional
Field name: title =
Field notes: Enter an alternative name to be displayed for the folder, instead of the name given to it by the file system.
Field use: Optional
See also: allowEmptyFolderDescriptionuseThumbForFolderIcon
file name: styles.inc
Purpose: To specify additional style information not contained in the style sheet
Placed in: root image folder (source)
Notes: The contents of this file, if it exists, are inserted in the <HEAD> section of each HTML file generated. This could be used to specify additional, or perhaps site or album specific style information. By altering the index.htt and slide.htt files of the skin itself, and removing the $rootPath/ from the include statement, it would be possible to alter styles on a folder by folder basis.
Use: Optional
See also:
file name: header.inc
Purpose: To specify additional HTML or script information at the beginning of each generated HTML file.
Placed in: root image folder (source)
Notes: The contents of this file, if it exists, are inserted just below the <BODY> tag of each HTML file generated. This could be used to add a banner or navigation bar to the top of each generated page. By altering the index.htt and slide.htt files of the skin itself, and removing the $rootPath/ from the include statement, it would be possible to alter headers on a folder by folder basis.
Use: Optional
See also: Advanced: A step by step study on adding a navigation header to your album
file name: news.inc
Purpose: To provide news items on index pages
Placed in: any image folder (source)
Notes: The contents of this file, is it exists, will be placed into the index file immediately following the thumbnails. The user can then add to it to inform viewers about changes / news etc.
Use: Optional
See also: See the contents of the sample file for more information.
file name: footer.inc
Purpose: To add a customised footer to the bottom of every generated page.
Placed in: root image folder (source)
Notes: The contents of this file, if it exists, are inserted at the end of the <BODY> section of each HTML file generated.
Use: Optional
See also: See the contents of the sample file for more information.
file name: variables.inc
Purpose: To allow user variables to be changed on a per folder basis
Placed in: any image folder (source)
Notes: This file will cause any user variable or default value to be overridden for a folder in which it is found. This is a very powerful feature allowing you to change the behaviour of the skin for certain folders, and only those folders.
Use: Optional
See also: See the contents of the sample file for more information, or the advanced section, specifically folder by folder behaviour
file name: cameras.properties
Purpose: To allow specific focal length multipliers to be entered for individual camera models
Placed in: ExhibitPlus skin directory
Notes: ExhibitPlus will attempt to automatically calculate the 35mm focal length equivalent for your camera. If you wish, you can manually specifiy the conversion multiplier for your camera in this file.
Use: Optional
See also: See the contents of the cameras.properties file itself, the BluPlusPlus documentation which mentions the same file or allow35mmFocusFromCcdDimension
file name: comments.properties
Purpose: To allow comments to be entered for specific images in a given folder
Placed in: any image folder (source)
Notes: By placing a comment in the format of "filename.jpg=user comment", once per line in this file, ExhibitPlus will place the comment on the slide and index pages, if configured to do so. Please note that this functionality surrounding this file is provided by JAlbum, not ExhibitPlus.
Use: Optional
See also: Please consult the relevant JAlbum documentation regarding this feature.
file name: titles.properties
Purpose: To allow alternative names to be entered for specific images in a given folder
Placed in: any image folder (source)
Notes: By placing a title in the format of "filename.jpg=alternative title", once per line in this file, ExhibitPlus will replace the filename which is usually displayed with the alternative title. Renaming the file will not be required. The alternative name will then be displayed in place of the filename on all slide and index pages.
Use: Optional
See also: The title= field of meta.properties for the ability to specify alternate titles for folders.

User variables

These variables control various parts of ExhibitPlus' behaviour. Some variables are only relevant when other variables are used, and others have no effect when used in conjunction with some variables.

Please note: it is possible to control almost all aspects of the appearance of the skin via an easy to use graphical interface. After the skin has loaded you will see an extra tab called "ExhibitPlus" just to the right of the "Main" tab at the top left-hand corner of JAlbum. These controls set the user variables automatically. Therefore it is not necessary to remember the names of the variables since they are used internally. However, if you wish to use variables.inc to change options on a folder by folder basis then you will need to use the variable names in this section.

Click on the links below to jump directly to the variable you are looking for.



Variable name: allow35mmFocusFromCcdDimension
Purpose: To compute the 35mm focal length equivalent from a given image
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Expert, Allow fall-back computing 35mm focus from CCD dimension and image resolution
Default value: true
Notes: Most cameras will store the native focal length in their EXIF information. However, since most digital cameras do not have 35mm lenses, this value will often be meaningless. Therefore many people would like the focal length expressed as a 35mm equivalent. By default this is computed by using a fixed multiplier found in cameras.properties. However, if the camera is not found in this file then ExhibitPlus will attempt to calculate this value based on information within the image itself. This variable controls whether this "fall back" calculation method is employed.
See also: cameras.properties
Variable name: allowEmptyFolderDescription
Purpose: To permit the use of empty folder descriptions, or no folder descriptions at all.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, Allow empty folder descriptions
Default value: false
Notes: Normally, a meta.properties file must exist in each folder that contains images (your source images, i.e. input directories). This meta.properties file must contain a line in the format "descript=". If this file is missing, or the value in the file is not defined then a message will be displayed in the output that a description of the folder was not found. If you do not wish to see this message, and would prefer to not use folder descriptions then set this variable to true.
See also: meta.properties
Variable name: charityName
Purpose: To select which promotional logos are added to index or slide pages
Allowed values: Firefox, AVERT AIDS Charity, Open Office
User interface control: General, Display promotional logos for
Default value: Firefox
Notes: Each of these options corresponds to an advertising button, 88x31 pixels in size which promotes a particular organisation or concept. If selected, these buttons will appear on slide and index pages, provided that the switch for the displaying of the W3C logos is also enabled.
See also: promotionalLogos displayW3CLogosOnIndex displayW3CLogosOnSlide
Variable name: commentAboveSlide
Purpose: Controls the position of an optional comment for a slide image
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, Comment above slide
Default value: false
Notes: If a comment has been supplied for a given image, it will normally be displayed below the slide image. This variable causes the comment to be displayed above the slide image rather than below it.
See also:
Variable name: customSep
Purpose: To allow the default separator character between EXIF values on slide pages to be changed
Allowed values: Any valid HTML string
User interface control: Expert, Custom separator
Default value: None
Notes: This is an expert feature, and should be seldom needed. If you do not like the | character which separates EXIF values displayed on the slide page, you may change this here.
See also:
Variable name: dateFormat
Purpose: Controls the format of the display of certain dates within the skin
Allowed values: Valid date / time notation
User interface control: General options, Date format
Default value: dd.MM.yyyy
Notes: This is not be confused with the "Date format" field on the advanced tab of JAlbum. There are some sections of the skin (for example next to the folder description) where this variable, not the JAlbum setting, is used to display the date. Users in North America will have to change this from the default value.
See also:
Variable name: debugMetadata
Purpose: Allows more extensive EXIF information to be displayed for each slide image.
Allowed values: All (only defined) | All | null
User interface control: Expert, Debug meta-data output
Default value: null
Notes: If EXIF data is being displayed for an image this variable will allow more detailed information to be displayed, rather than the standard fields. This may be useful for debugging purposes. A value of null (no value) will result in the normal EXIF information being displayed. A value of "All" will display every single EXIF field found in the image, while "All (only defined)" will display every single field, as long as there is a value defined.
See also: displayEXIF
Variable name: displayEXIF
Purpose: Controls how extended technical information about an image may be displayed
Allowed values: never | always | userselect
User interface control: Slides, Display EXIF
Default value: always
Notes: Allows the default behaviour of always showing the EXIF data under each slide to be altered (technical statistics included with a digital camera image). Setting a value of "never" will always surpress the display of this information even when it is present. Setting "userselect" will allow the end user to display the data if it is available by way of an "info" button on the slide page itself.
See also: debugMetadata
Variable name: displayFolderDateAdded
Purpose: Displays the datestamp of a folder on the index page
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, Show folder date
Default value: true
Notes: If you are creating a new album, or for some reason the date stamps on folders is wrong or irrelevant, you may not want to display this information next to each folder entry on an index page.
See also:
Variable name: displayW3CLogosOnIndex
Purpose: To display the W3C HTML 4.01 and CSS conformance logos on index pages
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, Display W3C logos
Default value: true
Notes: ExhibitPlus is written to conform with W3C specifications with respect to HTML 4.01 and CSS. Displaying these logos informs visitors that the markup used is well designed and built for future applications. It also provides visitors the chance to test the conformance by clicking on the relevant button. In addition, the use of these logos helps to promote the aims of the W3C. If you would like to supress the display of these logos, set this variable to false. If you have modified the skin and the resulting output is no longer conformant (you may test by pressing the button) then you must use this switch to disable the display of the logos.
See also: displayW3CLogosOnSlide
Variable name: displayW3CLogosOnSlide
Purpose: To display the W3C HTML 4.01 and CSS conformance logos on index pages
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, Display W3C logos
Default value: true
Notes: See notes for displayW3cLogosOnIndex for more details.
See also: displayW3CLogosOnIndex
Variable name: fixedFormatIndexPage
Purpose: To display the index page thumbnails in a fixed tabular format (fixed rows& mode)
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, Display fixed format
Default value: false
Notes: By default, thumbnails "flow" across the index page. This gives the advantage that the page will fill in the most efficent manner independant of the size of the browser's window. However in certain situations, depending on factors such as image sizes, and other variables which may have been set, layout results might be sub-optimal. If the visual effect of the output is adversely affected, you may wish to enable this option.
See also: sameSizeFilterIndex imageCommentUnderThumbnail
Variable name: folderAgeNew
Purpose: Specify the number of days where a folder is considered "new" and marked as such on the index page
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Index, New folders considered < days old
Default value: 30
Notes: If a folder is not older than the specified number of days (compared to the date the album is generated) then it will be considered to be "new" and the folder icon or mini thumbnail will be overlayed with an additional graphic displaying this fact. This helps draw attention to folders which you may have recently added. Set this value to 0 to disable this feature.
See also:
Variable name: folderThumbScale
Purpose: Allows for thumbnails representing folders to be scaled larger or smaller than the standard size
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Index, Folder thumb size (%)
Default value: 100
Notes: This variable is specified in percentage terms. A value of 50 will result in folder thumbnails which are 50% of the usual size, likewise a value of 200 will scale the icons to double their normal size.
See also: useThumbForFolderIcon
Variable name: fullScreenButtons
Purpose: If original images are included, enables buttons for navigation in full screen mode
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, Fullscreen buttons
Default value: true
Notes: If a user clicks on a slide image, and original images are included they will be taken to a full-screen version of the image. Navigation buttons are placed over the top of the image, however keyboard navigation is also included by default. Use this variable to remove the navigation buttons in this full-screen mode. This variable will have no effect if original images are not included.
See also:
Variable name: globalHeader
Purpose: Allows a header.inc file to be treated as local to the folder in which it is found, or to be applied globally in all generated index and slide pages
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Expert, use global header.inc
Default value: true
Notes: Usually if a header.inc file is found in the root folder of the input directory it will be applied to all index and slide pages. If this variable is set to false, then header.inc files found in any of the input directories will be applied to the corresponding image and slide pages in the output folder.
See also: header.inc
Variable name: globalFooter
Purpose: Allows a footer.inc file to be treated as local to the folder in which it is found, or to be applied globally in all generated index and slide pages
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Expert, use global footer.inc
Default value: true
Notes: Usually if a footer.inc file is found in the root folder of the input directory it will be applied to all index and slide pages. If this variable is set to false, then footer.inc files found in any of the input directories will be applied to the corresponding image and slide pages in the output folder.
See also: footer.inc
Variable name: guestBook
Purpose: Includes a simple flash-based guestbook application with all slide pages
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, Include guestbook
Default value: False
Notes: This simple application allows visitors to a page to leave their own comments. It requires some minor setup work on the web server that hosts the album, and will not work locally. Please see the corresponding section in the Advanced section of the documentation for further details about ensuring that the server side configuration is done properly. Please note that this feature is incompatible with keyboard shortcuts, and shortcuts will be disabled if this is selected.
See also: Configuring and using the guestbook
Variable name: imageCommentUnderThumbnail
Purpose: Places image comments under thumbnails on the index page.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Thumbnail, Show thumbnail comment
Default value: false
Notes: Users who already enter comments with images may prefer to have these comments also displayed as a short description under each thumbnail on the index page. This option works best if all images have comments, and if the comments are reasonably short. Please note that if using "free flow" mode this method sometimes produces results where the images do not stack alongside each other very well. If you are not happy with the results then use the fixedFormatIndexPage, or consider using sameSizeFilterIndex to make your thumbnail images all exactly the same dimensions.
See also: fixedFormatIndexPage imageNameUnderThumbnail imageDateUnderThumbnail
Variable name: imageDateUnderThumbnail
Purpose: Places image date/time stamps under thumbnails on the index page.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Thumbnail, Show thumbnail date
Default value: false
Notes: This variable is almost identical in operation to imageCommentUnderThumbnail. Please refer to this variable for more information.
See also: imageCommentUnderThumbnail imageNameUnderThumbnail
Variable name: imageNameUnderThumbnail
Purpose: Places image filenames under thumbnails on the index page.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Thumbnail, Show thumbnail name
Default value: false
Notes: This variable is almost identical in operation to imageCommentUnderThumbnail. Please refer to this variable for more information.
See also: imageCommentUnderThumbnail imageDateUnderThumbnail
Variable name: imagePadding
Purpose: Specifies the number of pixels to add as padding around thumbnail images on an index page.
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Index, Padding around images (pixels)
Default value: 4
Notes: This variable functions in both fixed format mode and free flowing mode.
See also:
Variable name: imagePaddingAdjust
Purpose: Allows the size of the frames around slide images to be adjusted
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Slides, Image frame adjust %
Default value: 100
Notes: This variable is an adjustment factor, expressed as a percentage. A value of 50 will make the frames around the images on the slide pages half the default size, and a value of 200 will double them. Remember that these frames adjust dynamically to the image size, so in most cases there should not be a need to change this value.
See also:
Variable name: jumpDirectFullscreen
Purpose: Clicking a thumbnail goes directly to full screen mode, skipping the usual slide page.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, Bypass slide mode
Default value: false
Notes: If the album is most likely to be viewed offline, it may be preferable to bypass the slide page and go directly to full screen mode. This variable will have no effect if original images are not included.
See also:
Variable name: keyboardShortcuts
Purpose: Allow users to quickly navigate using keyboard shortcuts
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: General Options, Keyboard shortcuts
Default value: true
Notes: For a full list of the keys and their assignments please see the res/keyboard.js file in the skin directory.
See also:
Variable name: miniThumbAdjust
Purpose: Allows the size of the mini thumbnails on the slide pages to be adjusted
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Slides, Mini thumb size %
Default value: 25
Notes: This variable is an adjustment factor, expressed as a percentage. A value of 50 will make the mini thumbnails double the default size, or half of the size of the thumbnails on the index pages.
See also: numberOfMiniThumbs
Variable name: numberIndexColumns
Purpose: Allows the number of columns used to display folder entries and descriptions on an index page to be adjusted
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Index, Number of columns for sub-folders
Default value: 1
Notes: By default, folders entries and their descriptions are displayed in a single column stretching across the entire index page area. This variable can be used to divide the section of the display concerned with folder entries into multiple columns. Please note that since some users may use smaller browser widths, multiple columns may produce output which looks inappropriate if lengthy folder descriptions are used.
See also:
Variable name: numberOfMiniThumbs
Purpose: Control the number of "Mini-thumb" images displayed on slide pages.
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Slides, Mini thumbnails
Default value: 10
Notes: On slide pages a strip of tiny thumbnail images gives the user a quick and easy way to navigate to nearby images. Use this variable to control the quantity of such images generated.
See also: miniThumbAdjust
Variable name: multiNavIndex
Purpose: Provides visitors an easy method to navigate to parent folders from their current location.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, Multilevel navigation bar
Default value: true
Notes: This appears as a navigation bar at the top of each index page.
See also: multiNavSlide
Variable name: multiNavSlide
Purpose: Provides visitors an easy method to navigate to parent folders from their current location.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slide, Multilevel navigation bar
Default value: true
Notes: This appears as a navigation bar at the top of each slide page.
See also: multiNavIndex
Variable name: navigationBottom
Purpose: Places a set of navigation buttons and a set of "mini-thumbnails" at the bottom of each slide page.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, navigation bottom
Default value: true
Notes: By default, navigation controls appear at the top and bottom of each slide page. In some cases this may not be necessary, and it may be desirable to disable one or both of these navigation bars.
See also: navigationTop
Variable name: navigationTop
Purpose: Places a set of navigation buttons and a set of "mini-thumbnails" at the top of each slide page.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, navigation top
Default value: true
Notes: By default, navigation controls appear at the top and bottom of each slide page. In some cases this may not be necessary, and it may be desirable to disable one or both of these navigation bars.
See also: navigationBottom
Variable name: polaroidMode
Purpose: Changes the frame around slide images to resemble "Polaroid" photograph paper.
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, Polaroid-style display
Default value: false
Notes: This variable effectively extends the bottom section of the frame around a slide image to be 2.5 times longer than the other borders, giving the appearance of a "Polaroid" style image. For best results you may want to half the size of the frame around the image if using this effect by using the imagePaddingAdjust variable.
See also: imagePaddingAdjust
Variable name: promotionalLogos
Purpose: To allow promotional logos to be added to index or slide pages
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: General, Display promotional logos for
Default value: true
Notes: Promotional logos, 88x31 pixels in size, which promote a particular organisation or concept can be added to your pages. If selected, these buttons will appear on slide and index pages, provided that the switch for the displaying of the W3C logos is also enabled.
See also: charityName displayW3CLogosOnIndex displayW3CLogosOnSlide
Variable name: protectIndexImages
Purpose: Prevent (hinder) the saving of a thumbnail directly to the user's computer
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, prevent image save
Default value: false
Notes: Setting this option to true will result in a denied message being displayed to the user if they try to click the image with the right mouse button. This will make it slightly more difficult for them to copy the image.
See also: protectSlideImages
Variable name: protectSlideImages
Purpose: Prevent (hinder) the saving of a slide image directly to the user's computer
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, prevent image save
Default value: false
Notes: Setting this option to true will result in a denied message being displayed to the user if they try to click the image with the right mouse button. This will make it slightly more difficult for them to copy the image.
See also: protectIndexImages
Variable name: sameSizeFilterIndex
Purpose: Force all thumbnail images to have the same dimensions
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, Force image dimensions
Default value: false
Notes: This will cause images, regardless of whether they are in portrait or landscape format to be given the exact dimensions as specified by the user in the thumbnail dimensions box. Portrait thumbnails will be zoomed and cropped to fit landscape format, or vice versa depending on the dimensions chosen by the user. This variable can be helpful if using imageCommentUnderThumbnail in "free flowing" mode.
See also: fixedFormatIndexPage
Variable name: showPhotoName
Purpose: Displays the filename of an image on the slide page
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, Display filename
Default value: true
Notes: Usually the name of an image appears above the image to the left, near the navigation buttons. If you do not wish to display the filename, you may disable this feature. Please note that disabling this option will also prevent the display of the image number within the current folder (e.g. 7 of 11) as the two items are linked in the layout.
See also:
Variable name: shutterfly
Purpose: Allows viewers to order printed copies of images
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slides, link images to shutterfly.com
Default value: true
Notes: An additional icon will appear at the botton right of a slide image allowing the viewer to order a printed copy of the image from shutterfly.com. The user makes this transaction directly with shutterfly, and shutterfly will take a copy of the image directly for this purpose. For best results use the "link to originals via scaled images" on the main tab of the JAlbum user interface. This will ensure that high resolution images are available for shutterfly to print.
See also:
Variable name: slideLayout
Purpose: Controls how certain layouts are shown on the slide pages, depending on the orientation of the image
Allowed values: Automatic | Portrait | Landscape
User interface control: Slides, Slide layout
Default value: Automatic
Notes: By default ExhibitPlus will use different layouts depending on whether the image being displayed is in portrait mode or landscape mode. This allows the display to be optimised with respect to placement of navigation buttons, etc. If you wish to override this behaviour you can also choose to always force one mode or the other, regardless of the orientation of the image.
See also:
Variable name: slideShowContinuous
Purpose: Slideshows can "loop" continuously, rather than stopping at the last slide
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Slide, Slideshow continuous mode
Default value: false
Notes: Normally, if the user selects a slideshow in either slide mode or full-screen mode (if available) the slideshow will stop at the last image. This variable allows the slide show to run in a continuous loop.
See also:
Variable name: slideShowDelay
Purpose: Adjust the time delay between images during a slideshow
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Slide, Slideshow delay
Default value: 4
Notes: This allows the user to configure the amount of time to pause between slides. Remember that this will affect all viewers of the album, so the value should be carefully considered.
See also:
Variable name: upButtonAtRootIndexPage
Purpose: Control the whether or not an "up" button is placed on the "root" index page.
Allowed values: force | normal | never
User interface control: Index, Up button
Default value: normal
Notes: An "up" button is always added to each index page to help the user navigate to the parent folder. However when the user is at the root folder such a button may not always be appropriate. Usually it will lead to the page above the album itself which is often the main home page. When this value is set to "force" the button will always be present at the root level. When set to "never" it will never be present at the root level. If using the default value of "normal" the button will only be added if JAlbum finds an index.html file in the parent directory of the root output folder.
See also:
Variable name: useThumbForFolderIcon
Purpose: Replaces standard folder icon with a tiny thumbnail from one of the files in the image directory
Allowed values: true | false
User interface control: Index, use thumbnail for folder icon
Default value: true
Notes: Setting this value will select a "random" image from inside the folder and display it as a very small thumbnail next to the folder name. It is also possible to override the "random" selection and manually specify which image will be used. For more information see the instructions pertaining to the meta.properties file.
See also: meta.properties folderThumbScale
Variable name: watermark
Purpose: Create a "watermark" (imprinted message) on slide images
Allowed values: text
User interface control: Slides, Watermark text and size
Default value: none (empty)
Notes: The text entered here will be "stamped" onto the bottom right corner of each slide image. This could be used as a copyright message, or simply to advertise your site if the image is used by someone else. Please note that this variable will have no effect if used in a variables.inc file
See also: watermarkSize
Variable name: watermarkSize
Purpose: Controls the size (in points) of the text used for the watermark
Allowed values: numeric
User interface control: Slides, Watermark text and size
Default value: 20
Notes: This value controls the size of the watermark text. A default font from your system will be used for this purpose. If you'd like to use a different font, you will have to edit the init.bsh in the skin directory. Please note that this variable will have no effect if used in a variables.inc file
See also: init.bsh
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